A new promotional video has been produced for Wil’s ‘Twisted’ series with the help of various librarians around the country, and early reaction to it has been amazing! Check it out via the following link—
For older computers, there is also a 640p version here—
Please share this with your friends, family, colleagues, and anyone else you can think of!
The ‘Twisted’ stories, released just last year, have rapidly grown in popularity among school and public librarians, due in part to the series’ appeal among reluctant readers. The second book in the group, ‘House of a Million Rooms’, was a featured pick of the Junior Library Guild, and also earned the Guild’s Gold Standard Award. And in the wake of the success of the series, Wil was recently honored with the Literary Lion Award via the New Jersey Center for the Book, an affiliate of the United States Library of Congress.
To order any of the ‘Twisted’ books direct from the publisher—
For contact, please use general@wilmara.com. All emails are answered within 24 hours.